Feb 20, 2024 | Administrator | 793 views
U10B Admirals - Finalist for Toronto Maple Leafs Ford Skills and Drills Contest
Congratulations to the U10B team on being finalists in the Toronto Maple Leafs Ford Skills and Drills contest.After qualifying for a finalist prize, the U10B team had to create a video explaining their community involvement. The team collected over 1000 lbs of non-perishable food items for Hockey Feeds Hunger and donated boxes of used hockey equipment to help equip children in Indigenous Communities.
The team did not receive the top prize but were awarded a Team Night out, attending a Toronto Maple Leaf game in a gondola box. During the evening, Head Coach Jesse Silva, recognized Michael Lutrell "Pinball" Clemons and asked him to speak to the team. Pinball gave an amazing motivational speech to all the players.
The U10B team have been doing all the hard work this season on what it means to be an Upper York Admiral. With a playoff record sitting at 2-1-2, this team is one to watch. Come out and support their hard work at their next home game: Wednesday, February 21 6:00 pm at the Sutton Arena vs South Simcoe Storm.