Inappropriate Behaviour Incident Report (UPPER YORK MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION)

Inappropriate Behaviour Incident Report
To the Upper York Minor Hockey Association Board, this letter is to inform your committee of improper behaviour that was witnessed at a UYMHA event in front of spectators, players, coaches, and/or officials. We bring this to your attention with the knowledge that your committee will review the incident and decide if the UYMHA Behaviour Policy has been violated.

Contact Information

Please fill out the following information

Report Information

Please fill out all questions


Please provide at least one witness to the events described in this incident report

Incident Details

Please provide the details of the incident

Due to the highly confidential nature of the information contained on this form, the Upper York Minor Hockey Association is committed to providing limited, restricted, and secured access to this information.

As a result, to assist us in our effort to maintain your privacy, we request you do not disclose or provide this form or any information related to this form, to any individual other than the Director of Risk or the Director of Hockey Operations for the Upper York Minor Hockey Association.