Thank you for your interest in coaching with the Upper York Minor Hockey Association for the 2025-2026 season.
The Upper York Minor Hockey Association requires that the Head Coach acknowledge understanding and responsibility for adherence to the following:
• OMHA Coach’s Code of Conduct
• OHF Police Vulnerable Sector Check requirement
• Any OMHA and UYMHA coaching policies
• On-ice helmet requirement for staff and participants (OMHA Manual of Operations) Mouth guard requirements (OMHA Manual of Operations)
• Arena Safety Plan Requirement
• Rowan's Law
I hereby acknowledge that I understand and acknowledge that I am responsible for ensuring compliance with the above requirements, including all applicable EGMHA and GMHA by-laws, policies, procedures, and requirements of the OMHA Manual of Operations. I understand that only applications considered by the coach selection committee to be suitable will be granted an interview. I agree that the decision of the coach selection committee is final and will hold harmless the committee, Upper York, and/or any other governing body for that decision.
The UYMHA reserves the right to accept or deny any application received after the deadline date.
I hereby certify that the above information to be true and correct.
I authorize the UYMHA to contact me via email.
I authorize Upper York Minor Hockey Association to collect personal information appropriate to the position applied for by verifying the character references I have supplied.
I also understand that in order for my application to be considered, I must meet the requirements of the OHF Vulnerable Sector Screening. If expired a new vulnerable sector check and declaration with the OHF must be submitted.
I understand that the information obtained will be confidential but may be shared with relevant organizations in order to obtain an appropriate volunteer position.