Welcome to the UYMHA Evaluations Passport System.
All players must complete the evaluation registration and pay ONLINE and in advance of their first tryout. Cash will not be accepted on the day of tryouts, and non-registered players will NOT be accepted.
Upon registration completion, you will receive an email confirmation of your registration and invoice confirming your payment. Three (3) days prior to the first evaluation skate, an email from "UPPER YORK MINOR HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Website" will indicate your player passport number. Please keep this number readily available.
If you are having trouble registering, please reach out to [email protected] for assistance in registering.
After Evaluations
The results will be posted on the UYMHA Website, under the specific team’s site (e.g., U10 AA, U11 AA, U12 AA ....). On the team menu you will see “Evaluation Player List”.

You will see a list of numbers on this page. This number corresponds to the Passport number for each individual player.
If the player’s number appears on this list they are still associated with this team. If the number does not appear on this list, the player has been released from this team and are now eligible to try out for the next level of hockey.
For example, if the player is released from AA, then they are now moved to the A evaluations and prior to the first A evaluation will be on the Evaluation Player List for the A team. If released from A, then depending on the age group they are moved to B or BB. If released from B or BB, the player has been released back to their local association for House or Local League programs.
Please note: The player's passport number will not appear on the list until the start of evaluations for each team. Once the coach has released players, they will be updated 5 minutes after they make the change on the team website, at the bottom of the team Evaluation Player List page, the last time the page was updated is indicted.
If you have any questions, please contact Upper York Minor Hockey at [email protected]. There will also be Upper York representatives on hand at the evaluations to answer any questions.
Questions pertaining to specific age groups should be directed as follows:
U8MD-U13 teams to Jeff Mackey
U14-U18 teams to Steve Sedore
Wishing everyone the best of luck at Evaluations!
Go Admirals!!!!